👏👏Also I’ve given myself permission to be crap, to embrace the crapness, the wrongness. Though I’ve gotta say this is much easier when you’re living a fairly un-public life. Sending love, darling one ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

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I feel this - I have kind of stopped posting on social media in the past 18 months-2 years because it doesn’t feel good to me, but I still use it for privately messaging and sending things back and forth to people. I was talking to one of my close friends recently about how I feel like if I don’t reply to someone immediately I feel like they will be upset with me, but I don’t put that same expectation on anyone in my life so I why do I put it on myself? I’ve never had anyone tell me they were upset with my reply time but for some reason I feel the need to constantly check to make sure I don’t miss anything. I’ve been trying to work on this and be generally off my phone more, but like you said there’s so much info on social media I find myself feeling anxious if I take too long of a break.

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