Jul 18, 2021Liked by Megan Jayne Crabbe

Mine are in a drawer of my nightstand, I don't have a problem with them being out as a rule but you would not believe how bad animal hair gravitates towards silicone! I'm usually pretty easy going about dirt and hair and such but that's definitely where I draw the line.... mama wants to play not spend 20 minutes deffuzzing.

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Jul 17, 2021Liked by Megan Jayne Crabbe

My son aged about 14 wanted to borrow some socks. I told him I’d better get them for him, he was like ‘it’s ok mum, I know your dildo’s in there’

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This made me CACKLE.

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Jul 17, 2021Liked by Megan Jayne Crabbe

I remember when I was a teenager and I got my first vibrator - it was this very pretty crystal covered thing from Ann Summers that I believe was called "The Tiffany". Came home from work one day to my mum who wanted to have "a chat". That chat went something along the lines of "I have no problem with you using them, but please hide them better". Turns out my 8 year old sister had found it, and displayed it on her (front of the house facing a busy street) windowsill, because she thought it was some kind of candle 😂😂😂😂

I have a few now, (single for 5 years, mamas gotta get some somehow) but I tend to buy ones that don't look too obvious, as I have two nosy children 😂. I must say my hot girl summer is giving me lots of fuel for using them though, and thankfully the guys I'm seeing aren't threatened by them (seriously, I've had guys like that in the past. What is that even about?) So I might even get to use them with someone else soon too 😂😉

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Bahahahaha Raych this is brilliant 😂 and god I love these hot girl summer updates, can we please get them every week? Genuinely make me smile SO much. 💜

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Haha I'll include an update next week too 😘

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Jul 17, 2021Liked by Megan Jayne Crabbe

Mine are hanging out on my bedside table, along with a pile of books! No one ever comes into my bedroom apart from me 😂 so really no need to think about it!! I've also now got my childhood teddy bear on display, that I used to get a bit weird about having cos what adult woman still has soft toys!

Hopefully in the future I might just be inviting other people into my bedroom and I suspect I'd just forget to hide anything - and in any event, if they're stopping by the bedroom then obviously I trust them enough that they shouldn't be judging things like that!

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Hey if they can't handle what's on the nightstand they don't deserve access to the room! 💜

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Jul 19, 2021Liked by Megan Jayne Crabbe

I did get much bolder with exploration this year, meaning I actually bought my first set of sex toys! I've always felt intimidated and unsure about what I would truly enjoy, I was definitely too ashamed to ask my friends for recommendations, so it took me some time to figure it out. In the relationship with my partner, we are both open about sexual pleasure, which feels great, but I'm still uncomfortable to have open conversations on this topic with my friends, because I'm afraid I could be judged. I do feel like my friends might feel the same way, though, so I'm trying to be bolder about it!

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I hope you're really enjoying the exploring Mariachiara! I totally hear you on not knowing the comfort levels of bringing it up with friends, but please rest assured that if they did judge you for talking about it that's about their own shame that they've been taught to carry, not about you! 💜

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I wouldn't call my toys hidden but our house is not very large so pretty much everything has to be stowed away in it's place when it's not in use. Also, hard agree on the pet hair issue someone else mentioned!

The biggest game changer for me in the pleasure sector is that I (after reading lots of reviews and hearing about it on podcasts) forked over the money for an OMG YES subscription. The site has really (really) detailed, non-'porny' videos, lots of research data, and just really deep dives into women's pleasure. It's a 1 time cost and then you have it forever. It's not cheap (2 levels, one was just under $100 USD, another just over) but it is 100% WORTH IT. I used to really struggle with masturbating and even with quality toys, it was hit or miss. Now I'd be taking a gold medal in 'bating if it were in the Olympics! Highly recommend checking it out.

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I am very comfortable with them being around the house in general and talking to friends about them. I need to get some better ones in all honesty there are some incredible looking ones out there that I just know I want to try, but I have a long term partner and I am still very much unpacking the ‘if you need toys means your partner isn’t doing well enough’ stigma. I have been suggesting new ones for partnered play and for solo play and I’m hoping I’ll expand my collection soon? But yeah, zero shame here

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