Feb 3Liked by Megan Jayne Crabbe

Yes! We made it through January 🦑🦑🦑

I had the kindest January yet… cosy pyjamas and lots of space and allowing and jourrrrnaling, my first time ever of living alone, and finding I’m not as terrifying as I thought 😃

Thank you for all the pink wonderousness you bring to the world, darling bean 😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘

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Feb 3Liked by Megan Jayne Crabbe

This was such a lovely newsletter! My January was busy but fun, I started climbing for a bit of joyful movement which I loved, fell off and injured my knee which I didn't love, but it's finally feeling better now so I'm going again today! Aside from that I made a lot of steady progress in my PhD while also getting more rest than last term so I'm taking that as a big win. Love to you all!

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Feb 4Liked by Megan Jayne Crabbe

Your newsletter always brightens my day! Glad to see you got to spend lots of quality time with people you love, and are branching out into new things, and lighting up even more people’s lives in even more ways. Love that you get visits from a cat! That is adorable and made me smile so big. January was INTENSE, but the plus side is I got to move somewhere that’s been kind of a dream place for me, and things are looking up! Still a bit in the stage of not being sure how exactly things will go, but I’m feeling hopeful for bright days ahead. Much love to you and yours! ❤️

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Dear 💖MJC💖 and this fabulous family!!! Happy 4th February from Melbourne, Australia 🇦🇺 ❤️ my January was growth, epitomised: quit my toxic job, fired my psychologist after realising that I have f**ked about with my recovery for 3 years 😕 and had many a lovely moment with my doggy, my Mum, and a few amazing friends 😀 2024 is off to a solid start! Ps twerking is life, no??!!! Love 💞 to all! Xx

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Feb 3Liked by Megan Jayne Crabbe

Thanks for the sunshine mail! January was TOUGH for me… mostly because I don’t think the sun was out for more than 20 minutes total the entire month. The grey grey’d tf out of me! Feb is going to be better because I’m laying in the sunshine right now! ☀️

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Feb 3Liked by Megan Jayne Crabbe

Thanks for the update Meg, it came at the perfect time. Today was a pretty shit day for me. I managed to motivate myself to go out and be social but a combination of things made it feel like a disaster. Yesterday was actually a pretty positive day where I managed to be productive, and ticked some things that scared me for a long time. Today felt like it just slammed the breaks on my blossoming optimism and now things feel a bit scary and pointless and hard again. It's the kind of day that seems to reinforce all those negative assumptions and makes me want to retreat again. Oh well. I know I still had some wins this week and I'm still determined to keep moving forward but it just feels a bit harder when your mood is shit. I did get an idea from today's social interaction which is a silver lining. Anyway, I'm okay now, just needed to share how I was feeling with someone.

On another note there is a game that I periodically go to called 'Kind Words' (not sure if you've heard of it) where people who are struggling can send out an anonymous letter and get anonymous replies (2-3) from other people. It's an awesome game and every once in a while I will come back to it. Anyway the point is I was on it recently and someone who was clearly stuck in diet culture sent out a letter and whenever I see that kind of message I always recommend you (your instagram) as that was the start of it all for me and I hope those people can find body positivity too and start to heal.

Sorry that was a long one.

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Feb 3Liked by Megan Jayne Crabbe

It’s so nice to meet Gilbert 🐱❤️ I would love a pet but not allowed because ✨renting✨ but my family who live nearby have pets and my time with them make me so happy. And I don’t have to pick up poop, so I guess that’s a win. Glad you’ve had lots of quality time with loved ones in January 🥰 I’ve had a tough month work-wise that’s hit me really hard but I’m so grateful to be supported by a great manager who gave me time to rest and recover. Hope February treats you gorgeously! ❤️

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Feb 3Liked by Megan Jayne Crabbe

Another lovely newsletter!!

I need to find a way to fly over to join a Twerkshop!! I LOVE twerking and don’t have enough twerkloving enthusiasts around me lol!

Hope Feb treats you well Meg!

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Feb 3Liked by Megan Jayne Crabbe

Must say, I love Gilbert!

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Feb 4Liked by Megan Jayne Crabbe

Lovely to read, that you took care of yourself so well :) I‘m not doing so great, I’m feeling like I’m at the beginning of a breakup of a 7 year relationship but I just don’t want it to happen… very weird feeling, I don’t know what to do with. Also preparing for the upcoming exams while trying to spend quality time with friends and to be nice to myself. It’s hard, but I do the best I can. Lots of love!

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Feb 4Liked by Megan Jayne Crabbe

Hey Megan!

Lovely to hear about your life as always. Sounds like you're finding different avenues for your career that align with your needs and morals and it's so inspiring. Also happy belated birthday!!! 🎈🎂Cheese restaurant sounds like the greatest idea ever 🤤🧀 Wish I could've joined in on karaoke, it's 100% my jam AND I happen to have the mean girls musical OBC soundtrack memorized, just saying 😉💁🏼‍♀️🎤

Things have been *going* over here, lol. January was definitely a monthy month. The good news is I was promoted again in December, but now it seems like my workload has been steadily increasing to the point where I'm over allocated. That on top of my partner getting COVID during a week where I had an in person workshop scheduled has been a lot of stress 🙃

It does feel good to be recognized and valued in my job though, I really feel like I'm finally building an adult career. Just trying to find the balance of also taking care of myself, currently it feels like any down time I have is just filled with chores or bed rotting. Trying to find space for adventure, joyful movement, getting outside, seeing old friends, but one step at a time I guess.

Anyway, thanks as always for the touch base, it's truly cathartic and something I look forward to. Sending 🩷💜🩵 from LA. ☀️🌴

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Feb 4Liked by Megan Jayne Crabbe

Thank you for this lovely update Megan! I had the same experience at my bday last year and so when I read that you were having the do i have friends thoughts I was like BEEN THERE!! thank you for normalizing that!

January was definitely a long month. My chronic illness have been flaring up again, and Ive been going through a transitional moment as I have decided to stop taking my birth control. I'm going to be doing some intense hormone testing in Feb, so hoping that all of these changes will result in some important and empowering information once I'm able to get that testing done.

In spite of the health issues, there have still been many wins and beautiful moments. I have finally started putting pen to paper on my MA thesis - it feels really exciting to be at this stage in my research when even a year ago doing a Master's seemed unimaginable given my health issues. I also was able to spend lots of quality time with my girlfriend, and have important conversations, which has moved our relationship forward in really special ways.

Thanks to everyone for the community that's been built here! xo

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Feb 4Liked by Megan Jayne Crabbe

It was lovely to hear about your birthday, all the twerk and work events and your time with friends Megan! Happy birthday girl! The move for your mind iWeigh event sounds awesome- definitely going to look into it if it repeats, what an awesome way to bring people together and help us to just move without preconceived notions. Also salted caramel birthday cake... woah🤤 Sending love to everyone and wishing us a gentle February🩵

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I wish I had lovely things to share, but I just got fired from a fairly new job I really loved that was a pretty big game changer for me. Absolutely no warning, very cold, and only explanation was “I don’t think you’re the right fit”. I was managing a library (and doing a WONDERFUL JOB, btw), and my staff is confused and furious on my behalf. So I can confidently say this was NOT my January as I apply for unemployment and start job hunting as I desperately try to figure out where to go next.

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My January was filled with mental health struggles. I am on sick leave because of depression and burn out from work. Getting a bit of rest has helped but the struggle to get help in a system where seeing a therapist and meds are so costly is challenging. Also, been completely devastated since October by the genocide happening in Gaza. I have two little kids and I cannot fathom the killing of 10000+ kids in Palestine or the children who have lost some or all their family members in these terrible conditions. My home country which was full of love for the Ukrainians fleeing from the war is now except for a small minority completely indifferent so it is like you are living in a parallel universe and suffering from invisible pain and grief that no one understands or cares 💔 Luckily have encountered a lot of inspiring people in different countries around the world who do care and who use their voice to call out the injustice.

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Thank you, everyone! These lovely messages really mean a lot. xx

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