Sep 5, 2022Liked by Megan Jayne Crabbe

I loved every single second spent reading/listening to this. I love that colour seems to follow you everywhere you go ✨🍭💗

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Sep 3, 2022·edited Sep 3, 2022Liked by Megan Jayne Crabbe

Thank you for the catch up! I've loved seeing all your pictures on Instagram - as a bi woman who's never been to a pride event, they really made me want to try and make it to one next year! So glad things are going well with Char, you look so good together and even from this tiny outsider keyhole perspective, it seems like you give eachother what you need, when you need it, which is so important.

I've had a really great summer, the first in 8 years that I've been in a relationship. Met the boyfriends family, he finally met my children (and they adore him, which makes me so happy) and we have lots of lovely plans for the rest of the year.

Getting ready to head back to university for my second year, and even though I finished my first year well, the doubt and panic is starting to creep in and I know I'll be dealing with a big ol' helping of imposter syndrome for the first few weeks back 🙃 . That's a few weeks away though.

Sending lots of love and sunshine to you 😘

Raych xx

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Sep 3, 2022Liked by Megan Jayne Crabbe

Darling you, what a round-up. That looks like a flipping busy old month, and in a whole lotta heat too ☀️

And how nice to know that if your month had consisted of nothing but you staring at the inside of your own eyelids, you would still be every bit as valuable

I love you to the 🌝 and back

(Ps I’ve spent quite a lot of August staring at the inside of my eyelids)


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Sep 3, 2022Liked by Megan Jayne Crabbe

Ahhh what a joyous time to pause at the start of a weekend and read this wonderful letter 😍

I loved seeing all the stunning outfits (yours included!) at UK Black Pride and alllllllllll the glitter at Brighton Pride too 🥰

Oh my god the mental health hangovers. This year I’ve had the biggest knock to my mental health and after a really bad day, the climb back up through the fog can feel as exhausting as being down at rock bottom does 🥺 but you’re right, we all deserve credit for doing our best, whatever that best looks like or however slow it feels.

I’m about to leave to go and dog sit for 2 weeks which I’m super excited about and a little bit daunted by… the pressure of taking care of someone else’s living, breathing, beloved pet 😅 hope everyone has a wonderful weekend! Xxx

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Sep 3, 2022Liked by Megan Jayne Crabbe

I always smile when I see you in my inbox. Thank you for letting us in on these little bits of your life. Some things feel like forward movement in my life, some feel like stepping backward, but overall I feel like I am having more good moments. I also feel like I’m taking huge strides in loving myself, and it is changing everything for the better. Kind of feel like I’m my own soulmate, ya know what I’m saying? I’m also prioritizing joy in my life, instead of piling a bunch of “shoulds” on myself. It’s a process, but man, what a good feeling. Sending you and yours lots of love, Megan ❤️

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Sep 3, 2022Liked by Megan Jayne Crabbe

What a lovely catch-up, thank you for sharing! I was just recently reminded of the beauty that can be found in another person caring deeply about something, too - my best friend is really passionate about Japanese culture and music, and whenever she talks about it, her whole face lights up and her eyes begin to sparkle. It’s so beautiful to witness that.

Also thank you for the reminder that it’s okay to take things slow - I have been reminding myself a lot of that recently, too. Sending you so much love!🫶🏻✨💕

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Sep 3, 2022Liked by Megan Jayne Crabbe

Love this. Also love when people get super excited about things. I found a weird string hanging from a tree COVERED in caterpillars 🤣 I found two grumpy looking teens clearly bunking off school and brought them over to look. We were all like “ooh wow! So cool! Let’s take pics!” I’m 39 but just wanted to share the moment haha

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Sep 8, 2022Liked by Megan Jayne Crabbe

I LOVED reading this one!! You've inspired me to make my bae into a canvas for my next art piece - no better canvas than the one you love! Thank you as well for so openly showing your queer love - I identify as queer and am in a queer relationship, and it's so amazing to see someone who I've followed and looked up to for such a long time showcase their queer affection so openly. Much love and thanks for all that you do! - Jane

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Sep 8, 2022Liked by Megan Jayne Crabbe

This was really what I needed to read today. I teach yoga and I always remind people of the importance of truly being here, now, with all of our heart, but sometimes I need to be reminded of it myself. So today I'm grateful for the chance to be here, and to care about things, deeply.

Thank you, Megan. Have a wonderful day 🌻

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Sep 6, 2022Liked by Megan Jayne Crabbe

This made me smile so much coming into my inbox, I’m reading on a train (a few days late because i wanted to give me full undivided attention!) back to my lovely new PINK cottagey house for 2nd year Uni 🥰 My August was filled with lots of catch ups with friends, pilates and trying to take things slowly. I asked for help and now have a lovely new counselor who’s giving me an amazing space to air things in, and moving back down south from Liverpool for my third year away from home has reminded me how far i’ve come since my separation anxiety meant i could go to a 2 hour birthday party when i was little. Holding onto the wins!

I enjoyed your catch up so much, especially the lovely stranger talking about trees! Your sister weekends also sound so fun filled. All of my love to you for this month xx

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Sep 6, 2022Liked by Megan Jayne Crabbe

First time receiving the newsletter and wow, breath of fresh air! 💖

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Sep 4, 2022Liked by Megan Jayne Crabbe

Megan!! I am so happy to hear from you :) Love hearing about your time with Char and your time teaching your workshops. I have been thinking about returning to an ex though I know it's not the perfect relationship for me. What standards do I need, and what should I just do simply because it's comfortable and easy and lovely? My girlfriend would never be volunteering at Pride or wanting to paint together and I think seeing that a deeper connection and something more aligned with me is possible was really reaffirming. I am so, so happy that you have someone who seems to be a fit for you, at least on the fronts we can see :)

I have returned to college and am excited for this year. I'm calling it a Lila Renaissance.

Love the last note about people being passionate as well :) We all have our place.

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Sep 4, 2022·edited Sep 4, 2022Liked by Megan Jayne Crabbe

Wooow, what a month! It sounds like a lot was going on, but I always think that if you enjoy what you do and the people you hang out with, that compensates to some extent for the rushing around... but I hope you find that balance that feels right for you.

The section about caring deeply about something really spoke to me. In August nearly every day after work I went to the park and sat on the same bench that gives me a nice view on some trees and on some flower beds. And I find it so beautiful. The sun hits this spot just perfectly, the light there is perfect, especially how it shines through the leaves of the trees. And there I read or eat or just sit and think and appreciate how beautiful this wee spot on earth is. Sending lots of love and energy for September ❤

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Sep 4, 2022Liked by Megan Jayne Crabbe

Love hearing how you're doing Megan, thanks as always for sharing 💜💙

Your writing is always sprinkled with vulnerable and inspiring messages of kindness that reaffirm my self worth and give me strength. It's so refreshing, especially in comparison to most social media, and is much appreciated 🙏

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Sep 3, 2022Liked by Megan Jayne Crabbe

I look forward to reading this in my inbox~ loved catching up! I moved across the country away from all my family and friends for a new job. It's been a wild month and I am only just starting to *kinda* settle in. This place does not remotely feel like home and miss all my favorite things with my favorite people. I am working a lot as a school career counselor but also helping students which I really enjoy. Looking forward to seeing why you & Joeley were living your best lives in a recording studio :)

Also everyone are basically rockstars!

Best wishes to you all for peace and balance in the days ahead.

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Sep 3, 2022Liked by Megan Jayne Crabbe

I've just had the most awful mental health hangover (I like that I have a name for it now, instead of wondering what the hell is going on with me) and although I wish all the happiness for you I'd be lying if I said it wasn't a relief to know I'm not alone (or losing my mind). Thank you for giving me a light at the end of the tunnel! Also thank you for all the joyful news you've provided over August, which is also most excellent medicine ☺️

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