I graduated from college about a month ago and after the joyous family visits and celebrations, I've just started to feel like I am in post-grad life! I graduated with a teaching degree and so the Spring and summer are really up in the air for me. As someone who thrives on structure (or at least that's the story I've been telling myself) I am finding the limbo space uncomfortable. I am generally having a good time but I feel this feeling of not being able to settle into what's happening right now. I'm either 5 steps ahead or two behind. My goal is to be in this limbo space with gratitude and treat it as a gift. My close friends are all moving away and I am staying around so I also feel the need to make every minute memorable. I know this is pressure I'm putting on myself. I really just need to honor where I am and that this is a precious time without putting pressure to make everyday something special. *sigh* Thanks for opening this space for us. Meg!

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I’ve spent the past six months or so absolutely heartbroken and destroyed over a friendship breakup with the first people who felt like home when I moved to London – definitely one of the big loves of my life. Our breakup ended with them taking apart everything I am to point out the flaws and all the ways in which I was a horrible person, using all the resources they had to make me believe it, despite me feeling like I’d been trying so hard to make things better for months, at my expense. I’m still in pieces and I don’t know if I can make friends again, and terrified about bumping into these friends all the time.

I feel like I don’t deserve good wholesome relationships/am incapable of them, and that’s my main worry to let go of right now I think.

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Thank you as always for giving us this space Megan!

I'm almost too hesitant to even write about this because I don't want to come across as The Negative One. These past few months have been so unstable and chaotic and I'm once again slammed with financial insecurity and the sinking feeling that I'm just not going to get myself out of this hole anytime soon. It's not for lack of trying either!

I've been trying to look into alternative career paths as a way to lift myself out of this and to empower myself to be more excited about the work I'm doing, but I haven't had much success and it's starting to wear me out. I also happened to get hit with a nasty bout of covid right as I was finally getting into the groove sending out applications. (And to give some context, when I was diagnosed with covid my first reaction wasn't, "Oh geeze, I need to get better," but, "Shit. Now how am I going to scrounge together enough to pay off the rest of my bills and rent." I literally CAN'T AFFORD to "get sick" and that alone has made this recovery process so much freaking harder.)

I've been freelance writing, but financially it's just not working for me (I mean, c'mon when you tell yourself you can't afford to be ill there's a capital P problem) so I've been looking into other ways I could use my journalism foundations (I have a degree) and all of the experience I garnered, and am really excited by the idea of getting an entry-level editorial position at a publishing house (preferably with childrens' or teen literature) but I keep getting stuck in the whole application process and thinking about how old I am to be trying to get into a new line of work, my lack of "the right" experience, and that I'm simply not good enough to even be considered. Applying to these jobs can be so soul sucking and I feel like it really deletes my personality.

I guess one of the things I'm trying to express here is just that I'm exhausted and wish that I had some help or some way of knowing that all this struggle will be worth it. 😣 (And if any of you lovely people happen to BE in the publishing field I would seriously be so grateful for even just five minutes of your time.)

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Thanks for this Megan, I really struggle to unwind over long weekends like this and just feel mounting pressure to catch up and get back into a productive mindset, I almost feel glad when it's over and I can get back to 'normal'. I just don't relax well! How sad is that 😬

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Thank you for the open space to share our thoughts 🤍 Last year I’ve decided to only work part-time to have enough time to go to therapy, heal and finally figure out what I want to do with my life (mainly what job I would really like). But now the job demands much more from me than I expected and if I want to fulfill my own high expectations, I don’t find enough time and strength for much else…I feel like even my days off are not enough to restore my energy.

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I’ve been dating a guy, but I’m not sure if I fancy him or not. It’s been five months, so surely I should know. We have another date lined up this weekend and I can’t even get excited about it. But also, I’m 35, and my options have been limited up until now. What if I’m giving up too easily?

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I am worried about how to get through the week-I have a number of papers due, stress of a date coming up that I am not looking forward to and is causing me anxiety, and the general reality that I am a bit depressed right now and am struggling to take care of me with enough food and sleep--so trying to do all these things just feels like a lot and I feel as though I am walking around in a haze.

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The weather is calling for a foot of snow tomorrow and I’m traveling for work. I’m worried about driving - even though I am reminding myself I have good tires and will leave myself extra time. All I can picture right now is white out conditions and slippery roads.

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Friends with a guy for 6 years, messaging daily for 2, sleeping together as FWB for a year. We recently decided to give it a real try and date properly. It's going so well, but the cynical, emotional baggage laden part of me is whispering in the back of my head that it won't last, and waiting for the other shoe to drop. I've been single for 7 years. It's all very new and different to me

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I've had an eating disorder for years, and I've recently started to try for recovery. Yesterday I made a commitment to someone to eat out with them and I am SO frightened. I have no intention of calling it off - I want to do and I know it is in my own best interests, but I am so frightened. I dreamed last night that the pet rat I'd put in my mouth ran down my throat and I couldn't vomit it out to save it lol! Thanks for the vent space x

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Two years ago, around now, my longtime partner ended our fraught with conflict and constantly painful relationship. We were no-contact for the first year and she’s been back in my life for about a year.

My social bubble is pretty much non-existent. She’s my only friend really. She adores my pup and walks her 3-4 times a week. We usually hang out for about an hour when they get back. We have dinner at mine every week or two. She was also there for me when I was drowning in my break-up triggered hoarding. We’re there for each other.

We were together almost 15 years, 10 of it long distance with her in England and me in Canada. While we’d met here, we would visit back and forth when we could. It was always tumultuous, always painful in some way. All of that was amplified when she finally immigrated and moved in with me. We both contributed to it the mess. With covid isolation looming, she ended it.

I’m still in love with her, while she is not with me. I still ache with the missing of physical touch, though it’s not as excruciating like it was. Not the sex even. That was so terrible and piled up with messy emotions. The cuddling. The sleeping side by side. The spooning. I’m extremely aware it would never work without an immense amount of work by us individually and as a couple, and even then. The thought of her being with someone else makes me physically sick almost hysterical. I’m obviously not over her.

Likely because it’s the two year marker, I’m grieving again. I’m angry with her. When I can sleep, I’m having bad dreams. She knows there is something wrong but I’ve shut her out.

With her permission, I’ve been using her Netflix. Last night, while trying to find something to watch, I looked at her ‘continue watching’ list and there was a documentary about sexual intimacy - with ourselves and with others. In the last couple of years we were together, it was the type of programming that I begged her to watch with me or on her own. She refused. She refused books, videos, couples counselling, individual therapy - anything that could have helped us. And here she is, watching something now. I deleted Netflix from my phone last night.

I can’t talk with her about all of this. We’ve done mountains of post break-up processing. The thoughts grinding around in my mind are ones we’ve already talked though. But, they’re still there.

I won’t see her again until Wednesday, when she comes over to walk my pup. This emotional flare-up has happened before and it usually subsided. Then we go back to hanging out and bring mostly ok.

I’m tired.

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Wow, I've been reading through the comments and have decided this is the nicest place on the internet.

I'm struggling at work at the moment. My boss isn't supportive of me wanting a pay rise, even though I think I've done good work in the year and a half since my last review. Historically I've always got good feedback but I'm very insecure, and so this scenario has me wondering if I'm being gaslighted and I really do deserve a payrise, or if I'm really not that good at my job and instead I should be thankfully they pay me what they do. I am my own worst critic and this has really triggered all my "you're a failure" and "you're not good enough" stories to run rampant.

This week I need to figure out next steps, be it talk to hr, or my boss, or start job hunting etc..

Sending good vibes to everyone else here for a happy rest of your week <3

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I'm currently on a long, long journey towards intuitive eating and body acceptance after nearly half a lifetime struggling with ED. I'm far along in the process, but still feel like I've not had a breakthrough yet. I struggle with living in a body that has changed a lot since I stopped restricting my food and the worry and shame are present every single day. I'm trying to really get past this hump and to the other side, feeling more confident and accepting of myself. I've been reading tons of books and listening to podcasts, but I still feel like I have so far to go and I can't seem to get unstuck. I think I need to keep remembering that it's a process, that I've come really far in the past 2 years and that I am pretty and worthy no matter my size.

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I’m currently studying in Oregon to be a pharmacist and lately I’ve been really struggling with how much weight I put into my exam scores. I think since I’ve spent a lot of my life as the “smart mature kid” that now that I’m 23 and in graduate school to be a medical professional, I put all the weight on how well I’m doing in my classes in comparison to everyone else. Fortunately for me, I am doing relatively well in the program but whenever I get a lower score on something I feel the failure deep in my chest and the imposter syndrome really sets in. Most of the time it just kind of feels like I’m a faker and that I’m not actually smart, I’ve just somehow figured out how to beat the system of American public school. It’s hard to remember I deserve all the good things that happen to me

Thank you for the space to let this stuff out. Sometimes letting it out to my classmates is effective however most of the time it almost makes me feel worse when we discuss productivity and studying and such. This space is really wonderful and I appreciate it greatly

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Thank you Megan! ♡ I am so grateful you are part of my life in this nice small way :)

My worry is that I am not going to evolve as well as I want to and that my best years and projects are past me and that I won't get to do such fun, beautiful and meaningful things again. I hope I am wrong though and that the best is yet to come...

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Lots of big life changes in the air for me and my guy, mostly good things! but very stressful things. Finding it hard to sleep which makes it hard to concentrate and be any kind of productive while "awake". Will make it through! Just hard now! <3

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2021 handed my arse to me on a plate. First, my partner and I broke up (mutually) after nine years together. Then, in what I thought was a power woman move, I quit my job without having a new one to go to. (It was either that or become ill with stress.) Here I sit, six months unemployed, and I have lost almost all faith that I will ever find a job, that I will figure out who I actually am and I just want to crawl up into a ball on the floor and stay there...

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I am graduating from High School in 7 weeks and I have this perpetual fear that the colleges I get into determine my worth. I suppose it isn't a fear, it is an absorbed understanding that how much I produce or create is the material equivalent of how much worth I have as a human being. I am graduating a year early and when I applied for colleges I didn't pick the most reasonable choices. After March ended ( the month when you find out which colleges you get into) I found I hadn't been accepted into any school. I was waitlisted for two, but this blow deflated my ego and hit on an anxiety I always knew was under the surface. That college acceptance determinated how hard I have worked.

Thank you Megan 🌼

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My fella & I went away for Easter & my generalised anxiety disorder put grey over everything we did. Panic attacks, discomfort, worry, self loathing. Gaslit myself horrifically the entire time. Cannot stop thinking about how i ruined the whole thing & what can I do to make it up to him. To be clear, he is super supportive & understanding, we’ve been together a long time but my brain is digging into me so hard 😢

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I've been running my main photography business for the past 6 years (I photograph horses), and launched a second photography business last year to focus on fitness photography. Last year was absolutely phenomenal, I was super busy, financially stable, and on top of my game, this year has been a different story. Bookings are so low, enquiries are almost non existent, and I have people backing out and ghosting left right and centre. I am really struggling financially, and it's weighing heavier and heavier on my mind, I'm exhausted by constantly battling my own thoughts to stay positive, it feels like there's no end in sight.

With the rising cost of living, I get that what I offer is a luxury service, but that rising cost of living is making it even harder for me to simply exist. I'm trying so hard not to fall into my unhealthy coping mechanisms and keep my head above water, but it's beginning to feel impossible.

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Lads, I live in Ireland and have been setting up my business for the last year. The world is so hard right now. My mam at the weekend basically told me she doesn't believe in what I'm doing so that hurt. It's also impossible to find anywhere to live at the moment in Ireland. Everything seems so hard. I know it's all about perspective but right now, my life seems so difficult.

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Apr 19, 2022·edited Apr 19, 2022

I have been single-handedly running 6 depts, for the company I work for, for two years - I've received many comments on how amazed everyone is that one person can manage so much, secretly I've been running myself into the group because I have an uncontrollable need to please people. Two weeks my dad died following a stroke - my bosses were amazing and I've been off for just over four weeks, now I have to go back. I don't have the energy or motivation to go back to the level(s) of productivity I had before - no one has picked up any of the work I do, and I feel like I'm just supposed to pick up from where I left off - I'm never felt so overwhelmed and so sad, I miss my dad so much. I know I need to let go of my uncontrollable need to please people (it's driven me and tortured me my whole life), but I have no idea how.

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Apr 19, 2022·edited Apr 19, 2022

I got married this friday and I have been with my head in the clouds!🥰 Still am, but I also started to realize there is still work to be done. I stopped working as a teacher recently, because everything got way to heavy and stressfull. Not working ánd also the weddingday made me realize what is important for me: being with my friends (there are all so awesome and fun), building a life with my husband (OMG first time I said that) and just enjoy little fun moments as eating nice food and sing karaoke-songs. In the next months I slowly will get to work again, but I am really nervous about that. Before the burn-out I was a real workaholic, being a good teacher was a big part of my identity and I would do anything for my school and my students and had very high demands for my worklife. I know that was the reason I got burned-out in the first place, so I really want to change myself at work, but being the passionate 'my work is my life' teacher is a lot of what I have been these past 5/6 years. So it feels like I've learned a lot, changed a lot, and these next months I've have to start practice the new work me: scarryyy, but writing about it now makes me realize I did learn a lot and I also know I am strong, I never thought I would have the courage to call in sick from work and I did. So... I guess I can also do this? Good luck everyone on this thread with this upcoming week, I love reading about your lives! We can do this: step by step, mistake by mistake, lesson by lesson❤️ You are never alone.

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I have worked in a toxic educational environment for over a year in order to make sacrifices for my baby girl. I finally resigned today and have got an amazing job where she can join me in 6 months time. I'm so worried about being away from her and about making the right choice for her. I have become me by taking risks and developing resilience and I know my Bubba is a strong cookie but man I can spend my life worrying about choices I make which affect her. Intentional parenting is hard but worth it.

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I've been worried about my health and at the same time, I have to go through the process of changing internet companies because my current one has left me without wifi for almost two weeks (I'm using ethernet to write this). They wear me down until there is nothing left. Plus, they have been abusive towards me. I am seeing my doctor this week though and I need some strength to get through these internet problems. I admit I have enjoyed reading more because the internet is down, but I also work from home as a freelancer, so that adds to my stress

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This is more a constant worry for me, but over the past year I've been trying to explain to my partner of 8 years that I have changed a lot and have different needs now. Unfortunately he doesn't understand how to support my new needs, and it's caused a lot of upsetting conversations that lead nowhere. Last night we finally had a break through, but I'm worried that one impactful conversation won't change things in the long run...

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I was so sure of getting a traineeship placement as a lawyer in my city in Germany last week and it was an absolute nightmare for my little autistic brain when the offer didn’t come. Some document hadn’t arrived. It’s not my fault (the authorities messed up their files) but now I’m not going to be considered until in a few months’ time and even then it’s not certain I’ll get it. This has happened before and I can’t stop thinking about what I might have done differently (nothing since I’d prepared everything I needed to and I did nothing wrong). The uncertainty of it all is killing me. I applied for this for the first time in October of 2020 and it still hasn’t worked until now. I’m going to call their offices in a few days and ask again whether there’s any chance I could get a spot for June but I’m scared they’ll say no. I know I need to stop worrying about it and that it had nothing to do with me but it feels like grief, what I’m experiencing. It’s hard. But I have a wonderfully supportive family and they check in on me a lot. Thanks for letting me get this off my chest, Megan! I love everything you do. You’re simply marvellous xxx

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I go back to school tomorrow and have been feeling fine. I have no motivation anymore though, I’m worried I’ll fall back or sleep in late and I have to go and act completely normal around someone who has broken my heart. I understand many of you have it worse and I truly feel better than I have done recently.

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Having covid has wiped me out ,my progress with chronic health was doing really well now I'm suffering with after effects aswell as having chronic ill health 😔 but better days ahead I hope with lots of sunshine for photography 😊

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I'm having a lot of worries. It's so weird. This is something I'm still really working on in my life more generally. I think this is the first time I've stopped to put any of them "to paper" so to speak, so thank you Megan for the opportunity- this community is so kind and healing.

I think I am most concerned about my body being in pain, or not being enough somehow. I have recently started seeing clients in person again which has resulted in more physical activity and also a little (or a lot more) stress on my plate in some cases. I am working with a physical therapist to improve my fitness but I still feel tired and hurty often; I guess I am judgmental of that because it's been hard for me to do my PT exercises after work, when I know these exercises are required for me to get stronger (and yes, my PT is very fat-positive and into intuitive movement, I have many choices and very minimal requirements, so I'm frustrated!!).

Attached to that is everything else. Lingering concern about my fat body destroying my self-worth or what people will think of me. A diabetes diagnosis that still fills my life with shame or stress more than I'd like. Eating disorder making it hard to eat in the morning, or throughout the day. Finances!!! Been really struggling with depression and suicidal ideation attached to that this week. Still feeling like I'm unsure if I'll ever make any forward progress in getting a higher level degree and job, much less dating... I still feel like my life is uncertain, and I'll never have a significant other or a family when it seems other women my age are happily married and popping out babies.

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deletedApr 18, 2022·edited Apr 18, 2022
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