May 5Liked by Megan Jayne Crabbe

I have so much I could say right now, but I know if I even start, I’ll start to cry. I’ll keep it short and sweet - after 1 month of inpatient and 4 months of residential, I finally made the step down to PHP treatment for my eating disorder. You are an inspiration to me. Thank you for fighting. Thank you for fighting for us. I’m doing it right this time <3

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Jules we are all so proud of you 💖💖 and I believe in you SO much. Anyone who can endure living with an eating disorder is capable of absolutely anything. We're right there with you - keep going 💖💖

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Proud of you!! We are all rooting for you.

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Such a mammoth effort, dear Jules: kudos to you, and the whole MJC community is cheering for you... you got this, you superstar :)

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This is amazing, good for you! Sending you so much strength as you start the PHP treatment <3

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Sending love Jules xxxxxx

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AH, MJC... as always, seeing your insights has made my day!!! It fills me with joy that your April was more sunshiney than rain-stormy... hooray for meaningful things, and sparkling sensationalicious things, yes?! I have had a topsy turvy ride of a few months: cut ties with my abusive mother (gulp!), turned 41 (eek!) and have been asked to vacate my apartment as the landlord is selling. Methinks that's enough for one end-of-autumn period LOL! Having hit my rock-bottom (again?), I am on the climb up and singing Miley Cyrus all the way. Much love to you, MJC, and Gemma, mama Crabbe, Char, and the whole MJC fam - online community included, of course!

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Oh Heather it definitely sounds like you deserve some ease and stability for a while!! I'm hoping all the upheaval has been in order for new, more loving roots to be planted 🌱 well bloody done for weathering it all and continuing to be a source of light and support for others - it's always a joy to see you here and I do hope you give yourself just as much kindness as you always extend to the rest of us!! 💖💖

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Sounds like you have a lot to process right now! Sending you the best of luck, and that doors will open where you need them. I’m sorry you have a mom you cannot have a relationship with, but am super proud of you for cutting off ties from that bad situation. I know how tough it can be.

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May 5Liked by Megan Jayne Crabbe

It's so lovely to hear about your work, family and other highlights Megan. The march and your volunteering to be a mentor sound brilliant and so powerful. I'm hoping to volunteer with an ED charity in the future so would love to hear how it goes! My April had: cowslips (little yellow flowers), overwhelm and confidence. Wishing everyone a wonderful May <3

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Your April sounds beautifully yellow 💛 the mentor charity I'm working with is called Been There and so far I can absolutely recommend - I'll definitely share more as the mentoring starts 🤗💖

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And a wonderful May to you, too, Gemma! I love your goal to volunteer for an ED charity: this planet needs wonderful humans like yourself!

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May 5Liked by Megan Jayne Crabbe

Megan !!!! ❤️

Oh, the JOY on your face, and Char's and Gemma's. It's a shot of pure serotonin each and every time. And as always, I love how this newsletter covers self care, family, work, fun etc! 💫 A very good reminder how important each of these areas of life are.

I just got accepted in my dream school for technical translation, 10 years after graduating high-school. Classes begin in a month, and I'm super excited and also very scared that after everything I'm not going to like it, or not be good enough. But I've fought for this, and I even received funding from the job office 🥺

In the meantime i'll be sitting in the garden to watch the peonies bloom 🪻

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Coline! You are blooming along with the peonies!! What a beautiful update, I am so happy for you and you ABSOLUTELY DESERVE THIS. It's ok if it turns out you don't like it - you're being brave and trying something and that's what it's all about. You're awesome 💖💖

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Congrats on your acceptance to your dream school! Wishing you all the luck on your new journey.

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OMG! Coline: congratulations! Enjoy the excitement, and I totally get the fear involved as well... I hope you find peaceful calm in the blooming peonies... gorgeous! Here in Melbourne, the last of the autumn leaves are crowding the pavement, and the air has a real chill to it.

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May 5Liked by Megan Jayne Crabbe

Thank you for that lovely update Megan. I'm really happy for you and I'm glad April had a lot of highs and not that many lows. It's a welcoming distraction from what I'm going through. Breaking up is so f*cking hard. How do people do it?

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It is SO hard Leno. And annoyingly, all the old clichés are true - time, space, new experiences. Eventually the hurt won't feel the same but until then I hope you're giving yourself all the grace to grieve as much as you need. Something will grow from this and it will be you 💖🌱

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Ah, Leno: my heart goes out to you... are you an animal person? Maybe cuddling up to the unconditional love of a cat/dog or likewise can give you the surge of affection you need... in the meantime I am sending a big virtual hug xx

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thank you <3 I am going to visit my familiy and the dogs soon for precisely that reason

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Sending you strength <3 Do you have a friend you can hug? If not I'm absolutely sending one

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May 6Liked by Megan Jayne Crabbe

Thank you for your transparency with your healing journey Megan 💜 I can somewhat relate re :eating disorders. I've never had a healthy relationship with food. My entire 20's and 30's were spent imprisoned by bulimia. Now, because I don't engage with bulimia I fight with feeling like I've let myself go. It's a forever constant battle I guess.

Sorry to hear about Gemma, and happy to hear she's heading in the right direction again 🌻

It's beautiful to see how happy she is when you and Char visit 🌞

Oooh that blue outfit was electrifying on you! Great choice!.... Actually I don't think I've ever seen you in a colour you don't suit! 💙🩵

It's heartwarming to see how happy you are at twerk classes. Your energy is wonderful 🥳

Keep being beautiful you 🦋

I look forward to hearing about your May days 💐


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Thank you Dee!! So much lovely energy in your comments 🥰🥰 I am really proud of you for continuing to choose recovery and fight against those feelings of letting yourself go - as far as I can see you've got yourself back. And you deserve to enjoy food + nourish yourself, regardless of your body or what the disordered thoughts say. Sending big hugs 💖💖

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Thank you Megan, that means alot🪻I'm proud of you also 🥳

I look forward to opening my emails and 🌟twinkle twinkle 🌟 MJC - mail! ✨

Have a blessed week.

"A smile is the happiness found right under your nose"


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Go you! You are strong and doing Amazing! You've got this we are all here for you 🥰

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I L💜VE the L💜VE in this room 💜 What a beautiful space filled with loving hearts 💜I'm grateful!

L💜VE, 🫂hugs & flower power🪷

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May 5Liked by Megan Jayne Crabbe

Hi Megan, thank you so much for your update, I always love reading these! I've had a pretty decent April with some good news as I got into the Master's I really wanted. May is going to be a bit tougher as I've got exams round the corner and am also trying to avoid a bipolar relapse (it's flared up around this time of year in the past!) Hope life continues to treat you well and I look forward to reading the next one 🥰

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Congrats Sasha! That's wonderful news 🤗 and well done for being prepared and aware when it comes to taking care of your precious brain 💖 sending you gentle hugs and rooting for you 💖💖

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Thank you so much Megan! ❤❤❤

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Amazing congratulations and well done that's a great achievement 🥰

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thank you so much 🥰🥰

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Wow, congrats to you, Sasha! Well done - and hang in there for May... we are all thinking of you and holding space for whatever challenges may arrive on your doorstep xx

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Thank you so much!! 💕

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Congratulations about the masters!! Wishing you a great May with as little exam stress as possible, you've got this :)

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thank you so much! this reply really brightened my day 🌞

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May 5Liked by Megan Jayne Crabbe

Gemma and I have the same bikini and that has made my weekend. We clearly both have good taste.

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Woohoo - clearly, yes, you people have good taste LOL! For certain, this is so :)

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May 5Liked by Megan Jayne Crabbe

I am loving all of this joy and lack of self-judgement for you!!! I too have had a landslide of wonderful things happening, even with setbacks it seems like May might be a winning month for me! Met someone special, got a job answering the 988 mental health crisis line, new volunteer opportunity. I’m turning lemons into lemonade by becoming a confidential sexual assault advocate after being raped myself in January. Have to turn it into a positive so I don’t get stuck dwelling on the negative. Got great news about my health insurance and my parents have been loving and supportive despite their own difficulties with each other. Could t ask for a better couple of weeks, so right now I’m feeling like a 10 baby!!

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Yayyyy Rach I cannot tell you how pleased I am to know that you're doing better!! I know you've had some seriously hard times that you've shared a bit with us here, you absolutely deserve this turn around. It's your time!! Keep on being proud of yourself 💖💖

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Thank you so much Megan. I certainly count you and your content/MJC mail, etc among my favorite coping strategies. This forum def takes some of the loneliness away!! xoxo

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So sorry to hear about that in January. Congratulations about the new job and other good things! I hope it goes really well

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Thank you so very much!! I’ll keep the group posted on how it all goes!

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Holy shashizzles, you have had a ton going on already this year, lovely! So sorry to hear about your SA experience: and all credit to you for using that violation to advocate for others. Truly remarkable, I really look up to you xx

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May 5·edited May 5Liked by Megan Jayne Crabbe

So beautiful Meg!

I’ve also been spending time outside and enjoying nature, I got a sunshade at one of my fave stores for very cheap and I am in it all the time outside in my family’s backyard, (though I wish I had the gorgeous grass in both you and Gem’s gardens! I live in a beach town in NC and our yard is mostly sand LOL!) I’ve spent time coloring, listenting to the radio and at times spending too much time on my phone, a habit I’m working on to reduce.

I’ve had moments of sun and dark clouds. It appears as though, my dream university that I’m currently enrolled in may not be what I thought it was. I’m not sure if it’s worth the expenses financially and of my heart, mind and soul. I’d have to move 10 hours away to an apartment I couldn’t afford anyways that is a very bad place as that is all I was offered. I have another dream university that I’d have to wait a couple more months to apply too and essentially attend but it may be a better choice. Overall, my brain is telling me “what will everyone think?” and my feelings are so mixed and muddled. I still might go but currently I’m just not sure yet. I adored this sentence you wrote “Something that I've noticed over the years is that in order to allow myself to enjoy the shiny, sparkly stuff, I need to feel like I'm also doing the meaningful, purpose-driven stuff as well.” I’m never vulnerable and I rarely share my life with anyone. I can’t seem to enjoy the sparkle because I am always repressing the meaningful and purpose-driven moments that are ever-changing. I know I don’t need to live for others (even though my brain is saying - you must) and I take so much inspiriation in you that I can share changes/purpose-driven moments and be free with that. I figured I’d start with this beautiful community that is always so thoughtful and makes me feel safe!

wishing you and your fam all the love Meg and family! sending peace and grace to Gem! “much, much, much better” is lovely! also, Gilbert is too cute!

wishing love and peace to all in this amazing community as well!

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Thank you so much for sharing this with us Marissa! I completely relate to the "what will everyone think?" clouding things and making it difficult to know what to do - I definitely went to a university that wasn't right for me and a lot of it was influenced by how it looked to others and what the outside world would think (and I ended up dropping out). I hope you can lean towards what feels like YOU and what you love. And whatever you decide, you will always adapt, choices can be changed, and it will be just fine in the end 💖💖

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Thank you for the validation and compassion always Meg! The “what will everyone think” brain cloud is a tough one, always wishing you the same peace regarding those moments too! Sending you all the love! I hope the rest of your May is full of joy!

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May 6Liked by Megan Jayne Crabbe

If you like to read, I recommend Martha Beck’s books. She’s been such a mentor for me through her books. “The Way of Integrity” has so many good life things about how to figure out what YOU really want, and break away from all the worries about what other people will think. They don’t have to live with your choices, you do. Sending you love and wishes for a lot of peace as you move forward. You got this!

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Thank you Sophie!!

I’ll check into that book! I know what I want and I know at the end of the day it’s about my happiness not others! Thank you for the reminder💕 Sending you love and joy!

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Thank you for sharing to us today 🙏🏻 this is a big moment for you, well done !!! And I wish you to find clarity regarding your future

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thank you lovely! 🥹💕

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Sending you so much love and peace, Marissa... life can be very bumpy, this old ride, can't it? I am giving you oodles of compassion and virtual hugs from my little corner of the globe xx

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Thank you so so much Heather! I needed that! 🥰

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May 6Liked by Megan Jayne Crabbe

You have no idea how delighted I am to hear that things are shifting for you in a big way when it comes to being more gentle with yourself. It’s funny how you do the work in all these small increments, and then suddenly one day it’s like you fully slide into a new place. It’s always such a rewarding feeling. I know you’ve traveled a really long road to get here. Super proud of you for the mentorship work you’re doing, and for speaking at the protest, and all the other things I know you do to help others on a similar journey. You’re a wonderful human.

I’ve also been at a good place in my life. I knew sis and I weren’t doing great in the town we were in for the past three years, but man! Getting out of there has made me see just how tough it was for both of us. Now she’s loving her job and our life here, and I’m so so thankful to get to be a “stay at home sister” and look after her and the dog and the house, and work on my own projects. The stress of the last eight months before we moved took it out of me, so I’m having to recover physically from that, but it helps a ton to be so damn happy!

I know I say it lots, but thank you for being here! Thank you for being real, and creating a warm, inviting, inspirational space. I look forward to MJC mail every month. Lots of love to you and yours <3

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Sophie this message warms my heart so so much 🥹 I can just picture you in this new peaceful space, healing your nervous system and moving gently through the days 🌱 absolute goals! Big hugs to you and sis, wishing you the best possible May! 💖💖

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I’m so glad you and your sister have been able to enjoy happiness and excitement! Wishing you and your sister continued peace! We hold so much tension in our bodies when we’re stressed that we’re not even aware of so wishing you all the rest and release of stress!

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May 5Liked by Megan Jayne Crabbe

Thank you for sharing, these are so lovely and encouraging to read.

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Thank you Erica! 💖

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Big hugs, Erica! xx

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Hi! I have been following your account on Instagram for probably over two years now (a treatment friend recommended it as a recovery-focused account to replace old, ED-focused accounts a while back) and I always enjoy your authenticity! Thank you for providing a safe space for those in eating disorder recovery - and really, for everyone! I also wanted to ask about that nonprofit that trains ppl to mentor others struggling with body image - is that only in the UK? I am located in the US (CA) but really would love to be a peer mentor type of person to help listen and provide support to others who have maybe gone through similar struggles of what I have gone through. I am still sort of early on in recovery though… so idk if there’s a requirement for how long you have to have been in a good spot or anything like that? Well anyway, thank you so much for your vulnerability and your sparkle :)

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Now then don't you scrub up well Meg! Thanks for sharing. I have finally my own space and I'm upset that I don't feel like happiness and completely settled as anyone should be but I'm sure it will be once everything has settled down so I can settle in but I am so pleased to be in my own space and appreciate my own toilet more then anything. I have made my new home my own spin. Other news I am sharing my story on Photography, wild swimming and no longer binge drinking it's been nearly 7 years for the binging

Which I am proud. I am doing a radio interview too next month and 2 my photos I have entered in for a calendar competition and I can't remember which 😂 so it will be a nice surprise if any of mine are picked. I need to give myself a pat on the back after surfing the last 8 months through stress and uni not working out. It's hard to just stop and breathe sometimes just be there in the moment. Thanks for giving us this space and I love seeing what everyone else has to share whether it's negative or positive and just giving others support. Sending lots of love from up north to anyone who needs it right now.

If you aren't following my photography page please help support it's

Memorable Moments by Rachael Young thank you lovely people 💖

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My darling hard-twerking friend, such a wholesome April catch-up, thank you 🩷❤️🩷❤️🩷❤️🩷❤️

I couldn’t love you more

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Loved all of this!

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Sending you some sunshine and rainbows, Hope! xx

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