Jul 8, 2023Liked by Megan Jayne Crabbe

I’ve never commented before but I always love reading what’s going on in your life! I struggle so much with being kind to myself and although it makes me sad to read, that someone else struggles with that too… it helps me feel less alone :) so thank you very much for your honesty! I feel like the first step we can take to be kinder to ourselves is to be honest to ourselves. Until next month <3

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Jul 8, 2023Liked by Megan Jayne Crabbe

I’m gonna risk sounding really boring… cause every month I want to thank you

Your post pops in, right into my hand, and it’s the most wholesome thing, reminding me of what my better-thinking mind knows is the truth

I love every every bit, especially that “the unlikeliness of it all” (soooo good to have those moments of deep appreciation), and also the one minute reminder… a friend asked me yesterday what I was most afraid of… my answer was living an inauthentic life (mainly to myself, ie kidding myself)

I feel like there’s never been more necessity for our authenticity and of course a reminder that our vulnerability is probs our greatest strength

I love you, beacon of realness ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

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Jul 8, 2023Liked by Megan Jayne Crabbe

Unfathomably, my dad died 2 weeks ago because of a medical anomaly. They tried but there was nothing they could do and I am in this place of absolute numbness. I am at a level that is past sad and yet I can't cry. I can't feel much. But for some reason, your email today made me smile. So I thank you for that... I think you for being you and living this life full of joy and frustration and sadness and sheer unadulterated pinkness! You are my hero, which is hysterical because you are half my age. But I hope someday I can be as strong as you are.

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Jul 11, 2023Liked by Megan Jayne Crabbe

I’m also an ED survivor, and your content and especially the pictures you post are so so valuable!!

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Jul 11, 2023Liked by Megan Jayne Crabbe

This was just good for my heart, tbh. I loved all the smiling faces, the joy, the honesty, the wins, and the reminders. I love your newsletter exactly as it is, and I’m sure I would also enjoy anything you decided to change. Don’t know if this helps as far as timing of the newsletter goes, but just wanted you to know that I personally totally thought you’d already said that you were just gonna post whenever, so I didn’t have an expectation of when one should arrive and was surprised to see the update about you being “late.” Hope you can give yourself the breathing space you need without feeling guilty next time <3

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Jul 10, 2023Liked by Megan Jayne Crabbe

Hi Megan, just want to say how much I love reading your email updates. They are beautiful reminders that we are all real human beings with messy lives - not perfect automatons! Thank you ❤️

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Jul 9, 2023Liked by Megan Jayne Crabbe

As always, so happy to hear your updates and see your smiling face, Megan! Sorry to hear about the challenging brain moments. But it looks like you rebounded nicely with self-kindness.

I absolutely LOVED your Is It Just Me post. I read it 3 times! It truly is a miracle and so are you. Not only to get where you are today, but to recognize it and be genuinely PROUD. Congratulations, and thank you for being here for all of us. XO

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Jul 9, 2023Liked by Megan Jayne Crabbe

Thanks for the update Megan! You've had a full month- I love that you took time to slow down & declined some social engagements. I'm celebrating my 1 year anniversary at my new job very soon & almost 1 year in my relationship... I can't believe how fast and slowly time moves. Also, I love how you bring beautiful humans together in this kind corner of the internet.

You're all GEMS. Sending hugs to everyone. You've got this (especially on the days you feel like you don't)💐💕

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Jul 9, 2023·edited Jul 9, 2023Liked by Megan Jayne Crabbe

Love the update as always Meg!

The tour outfit is GIVING! 🪩

I def gotta get back to moving my body through dance! I miss it so much!

I totally understand the feeling of “everything I should be doing” ! I feel so overwhelmed with my thoughts telling me I have to figure everything out now, what my next steps are for university, If I should go, should I not? what should I study? what am I going to build my life on? will my anxiety ever go away? Am

I not doing enough? It’s an exhausting loop! Sending love to you Megan and to all you beautiful friends dealing with any hardships!

I just turned 22 on Monday! Excited for this new chapter, hoping for a lot of healing and magick!

I have been wanting to get professional pics done in this beautiful dress on the beach (a bridesmaids dress for my past bestfriends wedding, our friendship/sisterhood had become quite one-sided and I had to remember my value and did not attend the wedding, but I have a gorgeous dress that I can’t wait to get photographed in) it was expensive but it’ll be worth it, I’m so excited & that’s tomorrow yay! ! I’m also a bit nervous but I’m hoping, seeing the pics will help with my ever evolving self-love journey!

hope everyone is well!

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Jul 8, 2023Liked by Megan Jayne Crabbe

Hi Megan💖 I'm really glad you posted your wonderful summer photos with few clothes on despite being told you are not enough (enter random category). Your post today came as a ray of sunshine on a day when I've been struggling with my body image, despite the fact that I'm so grateful for everything my body does for me and I'm acutely aware of the privilege of living in a body fitting mainstream beauty standards. This makes me feel guilty and wrong when looking in the mirror gets painful, preventing me from embracing my pain. Instead, I know it is important to acknowledge it without belittlement in order to get through it, and be able to thank my body with the truest and deepest love I have.

Thank you for shining your light in my cloudy days☀️

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Jul 8, 2023·edited Jul 8, 2023Liked by Megan Jayne Crabbe

So lovely to catch up as always 🩷💜🩵 I love the format of these newsletters, they're always relatable, uplifting, supportive, and it truly feels like I'm catching up with one of my long distance friends.

As someone who also recovered from an eating disorder (without medical assistance because I was too ashamed and good at hiding it) and was inspired to leave toxic diet culture behind due to your book, it's so affirming seeing you thrive and shine. What you share with the world is meaningful and beautiful. 🥰

I hope you continue to show yourself kindness, love and grace and I'll try to do the same. Sending 🫶 #TeamSofaZombies

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Jul 8, 2023Liked by Megan Jayne Crabbe

Hi Megan

I completely get you with having to say no and take time to heal your body and mind from chaos. I have had to do the same.

Uni , packing to move to halls, my birthday , exhibition, photography, photography for pleasure, anything for pleasure I have been trying but also with fibromyalgia, long COVID, PoTs the list goes on a bit as well long term mental health. I cant wait for uni to come and be less pressure. I have been in a magazine and newspaper on social media I got excited but still lost my mojo for anything for pleasure so all you are saying I completely get it 💯

But again if any lovely people in the community don't follow my photography page I would 💯 appreciate a follow and like for support.

You look like you have done a lot of fun things but that can always lead to burn out.

Take time for yourself Megan and anyone else in the this community I am sending lots of love and positivity and well wishes to anyone who needs them from the South east of Northumberland in the UK.

My photography page is


Memorable Moments By Rachael Young,

Thanks lovelies 💖

Lots of 💖🥰🤗

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Jul 8, 2023Liked by Megan Jayne Crabbe

I just adore you!!! And please never stop sharing any of your photos that you are inclined to - from the super glam, to the everyday realest of the real, and everything in between. The many ways in which you show up and also just exist are so absolutely loved and needed. 💜💖❤️‍🔥

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Jul 8, 2023Liked by Megan Jayne Crabbe

Thank you so much Megan, this mail found me just at the right time. Thanks for your little bubble of realness and softness here on the internet. Much love

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Jul 10, 2023Liked by Megan Jayne Crabbe

Reading this before leaving for work on Monday morning and it's just the best start to the week. It's great to hear how you are, above all, cause it's never all good or all bad... and that feels very relatable. I love all the different sections of the newsletter, it feels very varied and like they engage different parts of me. The last few weeks I had a few similar moments of unlikeliness... I pushed through nearly 10 years of education (the first 5 to 6 of them still with an ED) to become a lawyer. I just started my first job a few months ago and it felt so often like a burden to be the first of my family in law and entering this new field and new class attached to it. And sometimes when I walk to work I now started to have moments when instead of feeling burdened, I feel very proud and accomplished and very happy to be where I am. I wish you all the best for July and I'm looking forward to hearing from you in a few weeks. Lots of love❤

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Jul 9, 2023Liked by Megan Jayne Crabbe

I usually don't leave comments even though I really enjoy reading your updates, but this last one has really got me thinking. As a survivor it's so encouraging and uplifting to hear that someone else is doing so well.

Your emails are perfect and I can't wait for them, every month!

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